In today’s digital era, every organisation is at risk of a data breach.

This could happen when information is lost or stolen, through phishing attempts, hacking or system failure. Your employees may also accidentally and inadvertently disclose confidential information.

ZircoDATA’s Data Breach Reporting service takes the confusion and stress out of handling a breach and reduces associated risk to your organisation by guiding you through reporting a breach accurately to relevant regulatory bodies.

It is delivered within regulated timeframes providing proof of compliance after a breach occurs and a defensible position should it progress to litigation.

Of data breaches are preventable

Of victims are small businesses

Approx. numbers of breaches caused by employees

Data Breach Reporting process

ZircoDATA’s Data Breach Reporting service takes the confusion and stress out of handling a breach and reduces associated risk to your organisation by guiding you through reporting a breach accurately to relevant regulatory bodies.

It is delivered within regulated timeframes providing proof of compliance after a breach occurs and a defensible position should it progress to litigation.

If you believe a data breach has occured or even if you only suspect one, it is in your best interest to takethe next step

Call ZircoDATA’s Data Breach Reporting service as soon as possible. After your company details are verified, you will be taken through a step-by-step guide to discuss the potential
breach in question

ZircoDATA will then determine the next steps. If a breach has occured, they will guide you through the process to ensure it is reported accurately and within the regulatory frame

Modern business solution - Data breach reporting

If you believe a data breach
has occured or even if you
only suspect one, it is in
your best interest to take
the next step

Call ZircoDATA’s Data Breach
Reporting service as soon as
possible. After your company
details are verified, you will be
taken through a step-by-step
guide to discuss the potential
breach in question

ZircoDATA will then determine
the next steps. If a breach has
occured, they will guide you
through the process to
ensure it is reported
accurately and within the
regulatory frame